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Life after PhD Barcelona
Thursday, 26 March 2020
18:00h - 19:00h
Parc Científic de Barcelona. Auditori

5€ - 8€




The aim of this event is to provide attendees a series of three talks and round tables where professionals that successfully followed different paths after their Ph.D. share their experience and advice.

YEBN and IBMB Ph.D. Council want to help the attendees to show different career options after the biosciences-related Ph.D.s, showing how they can be projected in the future, where the scientific paths evolve and the importance of knowing different positions to choose the most suitable one.

How are we going to materialize the goal? With the participation of professionals from industry and academia that were Ph.D. students. 1h session, from 18pm to 19pm, with a post beer time. The session takes place in English and the first half-hour aims to explain the experiences and then the other half-hour to discuss with the audience.


SESSION 1. 30th January, 18:00 pm SALA DOLORS ALEU
Meeting positions in the pharma industry. Becoming MSL and COO after the PhD

Miguel Ángel Padilla, Medical Scientific Liaison (MSL), GSK

Albert Font, Chief Operating Officer (COO), LeanBio

SESSION 2. 27th February, 18:00 pm AUDITORI
Becoming Science communicators and science disseminator after the PhD

Muriel Arimon, Public Engagement and Science Education Officer, IRB

Anna May, Science Communication & Outreach, ICMAB-CSIC 

SESSION 3. 26th March, 18:00 pm AUDITORI
Becoming a CEO of startups that transfer the research into a solution for society after the PhD

Teresa Tarragó, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Iproteos

Valerie Vanhooren, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), ONA Therapeutics



By registering, you could attend the three seminars and also you accept you may appear in the photographies that will be taken during the event that the organizers will use in their communication channels. No refund available after purchasing the tickets pack.

Registration for the ticket of 3 sessions closes at 4.00 pm, next Wednesday 29th February.


The Young European Biotech Network e.V.  (YEBN) is a non-profit organization that promotes innovation and internationality in life sciences and biotechnology. Our goal is to connect students and young professionals through a European network that supports them along their career pathways.

 - Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB) is a research institute of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) located in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), which provides an excellent scientific and technological framework. The main purpose of our institute is to promote excellent research and to contribute to fundamental scientific advances across a broad spectrum of life sciences. 

Young European Biotech Network (YEBN)
Young European Biotech Network (YEBN)


Date and Time

Thursday, 26 March 2020
18:00h - 19:00h (Europe/Madrid)


Parc Científic de Barcelona. Auditori
c/Baldiri Reixac, 4-12 i 15·, 08028 Barcelona, 08028, Barcelona, ES
View Map


5€ - 8€

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