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STEM Women Congress Lisboa 2024
Dijous, 24 Octubre 2024
09:30h - 16:30h
Auditório Almada Negreiros



It is one of the most important event for the STEM Women community where a wide range of companies, governments and volunteers, develop different topics around who to get more girls and women in STEM and also who the STEM can help the people, the societies and the planet.

Key highlights of the SWC typically include best practices of DEI (diversity, Equality and Inclusion) in companies to attract and retain the femenine STEM talent, topics about new science and technological discoveries, and topics about the gender in STEM. The event also hosts keynote speeches and panel discussions with industry leaders, providing insights into the latest trends and developments in the STEM sectors.

The SWC serves as a platform for networking, business partnerships, and knowledge sharing within the STEM ecosystem. The event usually takes place in every country who has a chapter and there is also a global event who has been host during the last 5 years in Barcelona, Spain, although in the future it can be held in other cities. It attracts attendees from around the world, including executives, entrepreneurs, volunteers, students, teachers, and public policy makers interested in increasing the percentage of female talent in STEM.

Launch in Barcelona S.L.
Launch in Barcelona S.L.


Data i Hora

Dijous, 24 Octubre 2024
09:30h - 16:30h (Europe/Lisbon)


Auditório Almada Negreiros
Maritime Station / Gare Marítima de Alcântara - Doca Alcântara 1350, Lisboa, Portugal, 1350, Lisboa, PT
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STEM Women Congress Barcelona 2024 - Global Edition
0€ - 35€
Dimarts 12 Novembre 2024
Esade Campus Barcelona Pedralbes , Barcelona
Queden: 37 dies

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